5 Amazing Facts About The 5 Oceans

Here are 5 amazing facts about the 5 major oceans.

The Arctic Ocean

It remains covered by an ice cap for most of the year as its temperature rarely rises above the freezing point. It is also the most salty of all the oceans.

The Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ridge is an underwater mountain range in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is twice as wide as the Andes mountain range and runs approximately 10,000 miles (16,093.44 km) south from Iceland.

The Indian Ocean

It is estimated that approximately 40% of the world's oil comes from the Indian Ocean, making it have a huge contribution to world trade.

The Pacific Ocean

There is the deepest ocean trench in the world called Marianas Trench. It is the deepest at 11,034 meters, which is more than the height of Mount Everest. Only three peoples have ever been to the bottom.

The Southern Ocean

The oceans around the world would rise by as much as 65 meters if the ice sheets in the southern ocean were to melt. So, let's keep the southern ocean cold.

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